Computer Science lecture theatre C205 temporarily not available
Structural condition is being checked
Due to a structural inspection, a large lecture hall in the Department of Computer Science at the TU Darmstadt will not be available for courses and exams with immediate effect.

This is lecture hall C 205 in building S2|02 on the city campus, which will be temporarily taken out of service to inspect the roof and ceiling structure.
The auditorium was completely renovated by the Hessian Building Authority at the end of the 1990s. In 2010, TU Darmstadt commissioned further measures and improvements due to signs of poor workmanship. According to a recent re-inspection of the roof and ceiling structure above the auditorium, there is a risk that a load-bearing component in the roof structure could be overloaded. The auditorium has now been closed as a precautionary measure while more information is gathered. As a first step, the components will now be opened up and inspected by experts from a structural engineering company.
Students and staff have been informed of the temporary closure.
Update from 15 December 2023
Lecture hall C 205 in the Department of Computer Science at the TU Darmstadt, which has been closed for several days, will remain out of use until further notice. After the roof and ceiling structure was inspected in two random sections this week, there are increasing signs that load-bearing components may no longer be sufficiently stable. The structural engineers carrying out the inspection believe that there is a risk of excessive stress and material failure in the structural bolts on the load-bearing beams.
The next step is to open up the entire drywall ceiling of the lecture hall from below to fully inspect the clamp construction. An inspection specialist for structural design is called in.
The lecture hall, which seats around 250 people, was completely renovated over twenty years ago under the direction of the then Hessian Construction Management.