Retrospect: Departmental winter colloquium 2023
Get information, exchange ideas, network
On 7 December, the Department of Computer Science held its first Winter Colloquium. As at the annual colloquium in June, the programme included a review of the year and an outlook by the Dean, Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Reuter, the brief introduction of four new professors and the awarding of feedback prizes by the Student Committee.
Staff, students, alumni and professors met again in the winter term to catch up on departmental news, network and get to know some of the many new professors.
This time, Prof , Prof Marco Zimmerling, Prof Anna Rohrbach and Prof Marcus Rohrbach introduced themselves and their research in engaging ten-minute presentations. Further short introductions of new professors are planned for the department's annual colloquium next June. Justus Thies
Finally, the Student Committee's feedback team awarded prizes for the best lecture and exercise of the summer term:
- The prize for the best lecture of the summer term 2023 went to Dr for the course Ethics in Natural Language Processing. Thomas Arnold
- The prize for the best exercise in the summer term 2023 went to a team led by Prof Dr for the course Cryptographic Protocols. The team consisted of Andreas Brüggemann, Gowri Chandran, Daniel Günther, Nora Khayata, Helen Möllering, Raine Nieminen, Hossein Yalame. Thomas Schneider
Many participants took the opportunity to round off the evening at the traditional St Nicholas party with waffles and punch.
The next Annual Departmental Colloquium is planned for 20 June 2024.