Internal Institutions

  • The Centre for Cognitive Science at Technische Universität Darmstadt unites faculty members across multiple disciplines, who joined forces in the scientific study of adaptive, intelligent behavior in humans and machines.

    At the Centre of Cognitive Science we work towards a computational-representational understanding of human perception, cognition, and action through a tight integration of artificial intelligence and cognitive science. TU Darmstadt is one of the preeminent research universities in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and robotics in Germany and Europe. We develop computational and algorithmic solutions to challenging AI- and ML-problems and we also employ insight from AI and ML to psychology, movement science, and neuroscience. Furthermore, we believe that cognitive science can help to drastically improve our future interaction with and explainability of artificial intelligence.

    The Core Members form our specific scientific approach and turn the Centre for Cognitive Science into a highly attractive research environment for computational cognitive science and for developing cognitive systems.

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  • Computational Engineering (CE) is an integral part of the research profile of TU Darmstadt. CE is a modern and multidisciplinary science for computer based modeling, simulation, analysis, and optimization of complex engineering applications and natural phenomena. The Centre for Computational Engineering, by advancing the profile topic CE consequently, concentrates all activities in CE at TU Darmstadt. It is organised orthogonally and in addition to existing departments covering the relevant topical disciplines in science and engineering.

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External Institutions

  • The National Research Center for Applied Cybersecurity ATHENE is a research center of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft with its two institutes SIT and IGD and with the involvement of the universities TU Darmstadt – represented by itsresearch profile topic Cybersecurity & Privacy, Goethe University Frankfurt and Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. ATHENE The centre is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Hessian Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and the Arts (HMWK) and is located in the city of science Darmstadt.

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  • CAST e.V. offers a variety of services in the field of secure modern information technology and is a contact for all questions regarding IT security. Its network of competencies imparts knowledge of IT security technology on all educational levels – from supporting specialization in IT security at the TU Darmstadt, to career-accompanying education. Informational seminars, consultation, workshops and tutorials are how CAST supports the user when choosing the right security technology.

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  • Fraunhofer IGD is the world's leading institute for applied research in Visual Computing. Visual Computing is image- and model-based information technology and includes computer graphics, computer vision as well as virtual and augmented reality.

    We develop prototypes and complete solutions based on customer-specific requirements. Our research and development projects are directly applicable to current problems in the economy.

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  • The Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology SIT is the leading expert for IT Security and develops solutions for immediate use, tailored to the customer's needs. Over 160 highly qualified employees, covering all areas of IT security, make such customized services possible. The staff constitutes the competency foundation for cross-technological services at the highest level.

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  • Der httc e.V. ist ein gemeinnütziger, beim Amtsgericht Darmstadt eingetragener Verein. Der Vereinszweck liegt in der Förderung von Wissenschaft und Forschung, Bil­dung und Erziehung auf dem Gebiet Multimedia-Technologie. Der httc e.V. ist an der Technischen Universität Darmstadt am Fachgebiet Multimedia Kommunikation unter der Leitung von Professor Ralf Steinmetz angesiedelt und kooperiert in allen Bereichen eng mit dem Fachgebiet.

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  • The German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) is establishing three new research departmentswith the Darmstadt Laboratory: The heads of the three departments are professors at the TU's Department of Computer Science and proven experts in artificial intelligence as well as founding members of hessian.AI, the Hessian Centre for Artificial Intelligence: Prof. Jan Peters heads the department of Systems AI for Robot Learning, Prof. Kristian Kersting heads the Foundations of Systems AI department and Prof. Carsten Binnig is head of the Systems AI for Decision Support department.

Hessian Center for Artificial Intelligence | hessian.AI

The new Hessian Centre for Artificial Intelligence (hessian.AI) – funded by the State of Hesse and with its main site at TU Darmstadt – aims to deliver excellent basic research, focus on specific practical applications to find answers to the important challenges of our time and transfer the knowledge to business and society. The new centre presented today is unique across Germany because it is backed by 13 universities in Hesse comprising different types of institutions and brings together their various strengths.

ELLIS Unit Darmstadt

Spanning 14 European countries, the ELLIS network includes several world-class institutions. The ELLIS units will make a decisive contribution to securing Europe’s leading role in the research field of modern AI.

The core team at the ELLIS unit in Darmstadt includes six principal investigators from the Departments of Computer Science, Human Sciences and Electrical Engineering and Information Technology.