Dr. rer. nat. Dominic Steinhöfel


I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Software Engineering Group.

Please note that in April 2017, I changed my name from Scheurer to Steinhöfel; so if you're looking for a Dominic Scheurer, that's probably also me.

Also visit my private web page.

See the list of my publications here or visit DBLP (might be incomplete) or ORCID.

My interests center around deductive program verification and heavyweight symbolic execution. Currently, I am working on proving the correctness of abstract (schematic) programs and program transformations using a static program verification technique called Abstract Execution.


I'm not involved in any lectures in the current term.

Supervised Theses

Ongoing Theses

Please write me an email if you are interested in writing a final thesis under my supervision.

Thesis Offers

Currently, there are no thesis offers.

Past Theses

In the past, I supervised the following theses:

  • B.Sc. Thesis „Dynamische Generierung von Schleifen-Invarianten“
  • B.Sc. Thesis „Transparent Treatment of Loops in JavaDL“
  • M.Sc. thesis “Towards a Design for Verification Approach in Deductive Software Verification”
  • M.Sc. thesis “Automatic Generation of Loop Invariants” (co-supervisor together with Richard Bubel)
  • Bachelor Thesis: Join Block Contracts for a Dynamic Logic Calculus (opens in new tab)


  • Winter term 2017/18: Exercises of the “Software Engineering” lecture.
  • Winter term 2017/18: Organization of the Bachelorpraktikum (assisting Richard Bubel )
  • Summer term 2017: “Software Project Failures” Seminar
  • Winter term 2016/17: Exercises of the “Software Engineering” lecture.
  • Winter term 2015/16: Organization of the Bachelorpraktikum (assisting Richard Bubel )
  • Summer term 2015: Organization of the Bachelorpraktikum (assisting Richard Bubel )

I am involved in the KeY project as a project member.