As an anthropomorphic robot Tiago++ by PAL Robotics can be used as a service or social robot to support humans in areas that cannot be perceived due to resource constraints. Its humanoid appearance with arms and a head has the potential to express emotion-like signals through gestures and speech. Thus, Tiago++ is well suited for research regarding transparent human-robot interaction for different kinds of users to establish trust in such an autonomous system. Here, an interdisciplinary approach regarding ethics, law, and psychology to define standards for the application of service robots is essential and can be effectively investigated with Tiago.
Tiago is equipped with a mobile omnidirectional differential drive base, that enables navigation and localization using sonar and lidar sensors. To interact with the environment the two arms have seven degrees of freedom each and additionally a Hey5 hand (right) as well as a PAL gripper (left). The torso's height can be adjusted by a prismatic joint. The head has two degrees of freedom and enables the 3D perception of the environment using a RGB-D camera. Further, microphones and a speaker allows conversations with humans.
- Weight: 72 kg
- Base footprint: 54 cm diameter
- Reach: 87 cm
- Locomotion: Differential drive, 1 m/s max.
- Degrees of freedom: 17
- Sensors: Laser range-finder, Sonars, IMU, RGB-D camera (head), Force/Torque (wrist), motor current (arms), stereo microphones (torso)