The contact persons at the Office of Student Affairs and the Student Advisory Service will be happy to help you with any questions you may have. Please take a moment to find the right person for your request in the following table.

Office of Study Programmes and Examination

Photo Name Working area(s) Contact
Dean of Studies
Prof. Jan Peters, Ph.D.
+49 6151 16-25374
Dean of Teacher Education
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Karsten WeiheStudy Coordination and Student Advisory Service for Teaching Positions
+49 6151 16-20870
Study coordinator
Dr.-Ing. Jasmin BoghratProgramme Development, Legal Issues, Statistics, Modelling
+49 6151 16-25511
Contact Persons
Portrait von Dr. Linda Frey
Picture: Steffi Schmall
Dr. Linda FreyApplication international
Dr. phil. Jens GeisseKI²VA Training for Tutors, German Scholarship Programme
+49 6151 16-25503
Sabine HaschkaExamination Office (B.Sc., B.Sc./M.Sc. CE, LaG, B.Ed./M.Ed.)
+49 6151 16-25506
Sabine Haschka
+49 6151 16-25506
Dipl.-Ing. Eva KettelInternational applications, Mentoring for international students in Master's programmes
+49 6151 16-25535
Alessandra NesensohnExamination Office (M.Sc., Diploma), Application Subjects
+49 6151 16-25507
Dipl.-Inform. Tim NeubacherAdmission for Master, Student Advisory Service, Mandatory Advisory on Third Examination, Mentor System, International Affairs
+49 6151 16-25518
Dr.-Ing. Guido Rößling
Picture: Daniela Fleckenstein
Dr.-Ing. Guido RößlingStudy Coordination, Student Advisory Service,
+49 6151 16-25519
Area coordinators - Areas
Prof. Sebastian Faust, Ph.D.
IT Security
+49 6151 16-25710
Prof.‘in Dr. Iryna Gurevych
Web, Knowledge- and Information Processing
+49 6151 16-25290
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Koch
Robotics, Computational and Computer Engineering
+49 6151 16-22420
Prof. Dr. Arjan Kuijper
Visual & Interactive Computing
+49 6151 155 103
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heiko Mantel
Software Systems and Formal Methods (Formal Methods)
+49 6151 16-25252
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mira Mezini
Software Systems and Formal Methods (Software Systems)
+49 6151 16-21360
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Max Mühlhäuser
Computer Networks and Distributed Systems
+49 6151 16-23200
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Oskar von StrykRobotics, Computational and Computer Engineering
+49 6151 16-25560