U.S. Consul General Brian Heath besucht das System Security Lab
Austausch zu Cybersiicherheit von KI bis zur Satellitenforschung
Informatik-Professor Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi begrüßte am 24. Januar 2025 den U.S. Generalkonsul in Frankfurt, Brian Heath, und seine Delegation zu einem Besuch im System Security Lab. Der Austausch konzentrierte sich auf aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bereich der IT-Sicherheit von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) bis hin zur Satellitenforschung.
FAZ Highlights Our Work on Securing Smart Technologies
The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung has featured the groundbreaking work of Prof. Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and our System Security Lab at TU Darmstadt. The article explores how we are enhancing the security of smart technologies and IoT devices, ranging from connected household appliances to advanced learning systems.
Tutorial on Security and Privacy in Federated Learning
Last week, members of our research group — Alessandro Pegoraro, Phillip Rieger, and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi — presented a comprehensive tutorial on the security and privacy of AI-based systems at the prestigious summer school on real-world cryptography and privacy in Vodice, Croatia. This event attracted researchers from around the globe, who shared their insights on various security and privacy topics.
Presentations on IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy
Last week, our group participated in the prestigious IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy and presented 3 of our newest research papers there.
AI Coding Challenge on Security and Privacy in Federated Learning
On February 15, 2024, Phillip Rieger and Alessandro Pegoraro from our group organized the AI Coding Challenge focused on the security and privacy aspects of Federated Learning (FL). The event was organized in collaboration with Platform Lernende Systeme and IBM Innovation Studios. Federated Learning represents a decentralized approach to machine learning, allowing multiple clients to collectively train Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) without centralizing data. This method ensures data privacy by having each client train DNNs on their local datasets and share only the DNN parameters. Despite its benefits, this decentralization also opens the door to potential security threats, including the submission of manipulated DNN models by malicious clients.
CROSSING Conference 2023
Shaping the Future of Digital Trust
Ghada Dessouky wins Ph.D. Award
Former CROSSING doctoral student honored at EuroSys'23
Dr.-Ing. Ghada Dessouky, a former CROSSING member and doctoral student at the System Security Lab of Professor Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, has won the Roger Needham PhD Award 2023. The award has been presented at EuroSys'23 in Rome, Italy.
Picture: Markus MiettinenPicture: Markus Miettinen
High-Tech Women Workshop 2023
Picture: Wes HardakerPicture: Wes Hardaker
Distinguished Paper Award at NDSS'23
Paper co-authored by Professor Sadeghi and his team
The paper “DARWIN: Survival of the Fittest Fuzzing Mutators” co-authored by CROSSING-PI Professor Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Patrick Jauernig and Dr. Emmanuel Stapf (all System Security Lab, TU Darmstadt) received the Distinguished Paper Award at NDSS'23.
Picture: Markus MiettinenPicture: Markus Miettinen
ARGUS Paper on Detecting Stealthy Infiltration Attacks against Smart-Homes Accepted at USENIX Security Conference