FAZ Highlights Our Work on Securing Smart Technologies
The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung has featured the groundbreaking work of Prof. Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and our System Security Lab at TU Darmstadt. The article explores how we are enhancing the security of smart technologies and IoT devices, ranging from connected household appliances to advanced learning systems.

A key focus of the article is smart homes: How can we make these technologies safer and more reliable? Prof. Sadeghi has transformed his own home into a cutting-edge, connected laboratory—equipped with voice assistants, cameras, and even a robot dog. This innovative research helps uncover and address security vulnerabilities in devices like vacuum cleaners, refrigerators, and smoke detectors.
The article also looks ahead to the future of smart technologies, where devices can communicate, analyze behavioral patterns, and make autonomous decisions. While these advancements bring exciting opportunities, they also present unique risks. Our mission is to create innovative solutions that make smart homes not only more intelligent but also more secure.
Discover more about our research in the FAZ article: FAZ Article (https://www.faz.net/aktuell/rhein-main/region-und-hessen/ahmad-reza-sadeghi-arbeitet-an-der-sicherheit-der-smart-homes-110096908.html).