Student Advisory Service
The consultation hours are currently not taking place. Please use for your requests.
Bachelor's Courses
Contact Person
Dr. Guido Rößling (S2|02 A125)
Notes regarding cancelled consultation hours
Due to various reasons, sometimes the regularly scheduled consultation hours have to be cancelled. You will find a current overview below. In this case, please simply use the other means to contact us (sending an email, using the Moodle course, or booking a personal appointment), as described below:
- Due to a parallel event, there will be no consultation hours for our Bachelor students or Bachelor applicants on March 20, 2025. Please send an email and I will get back to you as quickly as I can.
Consultation Hours
Please note that many questions may have already been addressed in the ”. You can access this course without a TU-ID by clicking on “Guest access”. Moodle course “Fachstudienberatung Bachelor Informatik
- Mondays at 10:00 – 11:00 AM: open Zoom-based consultation hour (Meeting-ID 830 6926 8666, Passcode: 877076). You will first only enter the waiting area and will be admitted once I am free
- Thursdays at 10:00 – 11:00 Uhr AM: open in-presence consultation hour in room S202/A125. The in-presence consultation hour is only during our regular lecture periods (roughly April 15 to July 15 and October 15 to February 15, excluding the Christmas break). Outside those times, please use the Zoom link provided for the Monday consultation hours.
- You can also arrange an appointment via email – preferably, directly book an appointment in the Moodle course “”. Fachstudienberatung Bachelor Informatik
Please note that several common questions are already addressed in our Moodle course . You can also access this course as a guest (without a TU-ID). Fachstudienberatung Bachelor Informatik
Consultation Options during Education Fairs
2025 you can also find me at the following Education Fairs (according to the current plans) and can ask me all questions related to our Bachelor or Teacher Training offers in Computer Science:
- Wednesday, January 22 17:00-18:00 Uhr: “Informatik – mehr als Programmieren” (“Computer Science – more than Programming”; the talk will be in German). I will not be active in the talk, but stand ready to answer all questions in the chat. hobit talks
- Tuesday/Wednesday, May 6/7: vocatium Mainz/Wiesbaden
- Tuesday, May 20,, ca. 9:00-13:00: in the “karo5” (Karolinenplatz 5, Darmstadt) hobit contact
- Sunday, May 25: “TUDA Open Campus”, Campus Lichtwiese
- Wednesday/Thursday, June 11/12: , Messehalle Offenbach vocatium Rhein-Main
- Wednesday, November 12 15:00-19:00: (digital) vocatium videochat
Master's Courses
Contact Person
Dipl.-Inform. Tim Neubacher (S2|02 D115)
Consultation Hours
- There will be no consultation hours for our Master students or Master applicants during the winter break between December 23, 2024 and January 5, 2025.
- Open consultation hour on Wednesdays from 10am till 12pm in S2|02 D115
- Or arrange an appointment via Email
- Consultation in presence is possible from Tuesday till Thursday
Teaching Courses
Contact Person
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Karsten Weihe (S2|02 E123)
Walk-in Hours
- arrange an appointment via email