Please write to the Dean for Student Affairs. Explain why you were not able to register for the exams and list the exams you would like to register for.
The CPs are available in TUCaN. There you will find “Hours per week”. To convert hours per week to CP you have to compute the following: CP = Hours per week * 1.5 (rounded up). Please note that in a few cases this conversion is not valid but for most courses it works. As an example: assuming the course has 5 hours per week, the CPs are computed by: 5 Hours per week * 1.5 = 7.5 -> 8 CP.
The grades are measured in the German system which operates as follows:
1.0 (best grade)
4.0 (worst grade with which you still have passed the course)
5.0 (not passed)
Usually a full time study plan has 30 CP per semester. But be careful: You need to get familiar with the system employed here at the TU Darmstadt and maybe you have to attend language courses which both take some time. As a result, consider to attend less courses than 30 CP. However, from our side there are no regulations in any way.
The workload of all courses is given in ECTS Credit Points. One Credit Point (CP) corresponds to a work duration of 30 hours.
From our side you are completely free in your choice. If you like to attend courses from other departments, please check with the lecturers if you are allowed to attend.
In principle, this is possible. However, you must independently ensure that you have secured academic supervision before the start of your stay.