FAQ Outgoings

You still have questions?

You might find answers in the following FAQ. If not, you are welcome to contact the International Coordinator.

FAQ Studying Abroad

There are more possibilities than the ones from the department to go abroad. Informations about all possibilities can be found on the websites of the Department of International Affairs.

You may also provide the documents via the Hessenbox.

  • Information Systems: You are only able to apply via the department 1. Please keep in mind that this department also is responsible for all administrative issues (such as the Learning Agreement etc.). The Department of Computer Science is only responsible for the computer science courses. If you like to attend computer science courses during your studies abroad please contact the Department of Computer Science or more precisely come to the abroad office hour (for preliminary and final transfer of credits). There, you will receive a recommendation for the transfer of credits that you can hand in at your department so they are able to create your Learning Agreement or the final transfer of credits.
  • IST: You may apply via different departments. Please note that the department 18 is responsible for all administrative issues (such as the Learning Agreement etc.). The Department of Computer Science is only responsible for the computer science courses. If you like to attend computer science courses during your studies abroad please contact the Department of Computer Science or more precisely come to the abroad office hour (for preliminary and final transfer of credits). There, you will receive a recommendation for the transfer of credits that you can hand in at your department so they are able to create your Learning Agreement or the final transfer of credits.
  • Please note that the department area of studies Computational Engineering is responsible for all administrative issues (such as the Learning Agreement etc.). However, you may apply via the Department of Computer Science. If you like to attend computer science courses during your studies abroad please contact the Department of Computer Science or more precisely come to the abroad office hour (for preliminary and final transfer of credits). There, you will receive a recommendation for the transfer of credits that you can hand in at your department so they are able to create your Learning Agreement or the final transfer of credits.

Yes, you can apply for more than one university and this is even encouraged. Actually, you are allowed to apply for as many universities as you want. But remember that in your motivation letter and for your study plan you should refer to each university you like to apply for separately.

Yes, this is possible. To do so, you have to complete the regular process for the transfer of credits (preliminary transfer of credits with exclusions and final transfer of credits with exclusions).Please note that the first contact for transfer of credits has to be issued at the Department of Computer Science (per mail or in the abroad office hour).

Please note that all academic achievements can only be recognized by your own department. Hence, you receive a recommendation for the transfer of credits which you can submit at your department. Learning Agreements are also only signed and/or given by your department.

Yes, you may acquire academic achievements in such semesters but you have to fill out an application for a leave of absence.

On the one hand there is a Double Degree which covers the Bachelor and the Master. It is required to apply for this programm in the third semester of the bachelor degree. If you are interessted in a double degree programm, please visit us in the open office hour (Tuesdays, 10:00 – 12:00, room S202/D115).

On the other hand, if you like to go in the ERASMUS program, you need to have a total of 180 CP absolved, i.e., you can only go in the Master.

The study plan should sketch (text or table) how you plan to conduct your further studies and how your abroad studies will fit in this plan. Questions that could possibly be clarified are:

  • In what study program you will reside when you go abroad?
  • What courses do you like to complete at the TU Darmstadt before you go abroad?
  • In what area do you like to transfer your credits after you get back ('Studienleistungen'/'Prüfungsleistungen' in the area … / Application Subject)?
  • Where do you like to conduct your Master thesis (abroad or at the TU Darmstadt)?

Language certificates are not required for the application at the department.

Please note that you may have some time left before the application at the partner university to complete your language courses at the TUD. Once you are nominated you will be preferred at the Sprachenzentrum.

Please do not forget that independently from your favorite country good English skills are necessary.

No. Please keep in mind that you will participate in the daily life of the country. You will not spend your whole exchange at the university. Therefore, it is necessary to learn at least some of the language spoken in the country.

In principle, you can go as often as you like as a free mover (no funding and self-organized).

If you participate in an ERASMUS+ program, you can go once during the Bachelor and once during the Master.

Please note that there are also fundings which only allow to go once during your whole studies. To go abroad one time with an ERASMUS program and one time in one of the countries named above is also possible.

A list of all available fundings can be found on the TU Darmstadt Funding web pages.

Please consider the list of all possibilities on the TU Darmstadt study abroad webpage.

The best way is to ask a Professor at a group where you achieved very good results (for example in a seminar). The recommendation letter then is specific to your achievements which will presumably count better than a more general one. However, if you do not know such a Professor or group, please contact Tim Neubacher .