Transfer of credits of courses
completed during your exchange

In general, the transfer of credits of academic achievements is possible.

Transfer of credits of courses completed during your exchange

The following regulations must be observed.

Which Credits are recognized?

Please note that in the Department of Computer Science, credits from abroad are usually not recognized as equivalent to existing courses at TU Darmstadt. Instead, credits from abroad are recognized as such and assigned to the corresponding elective areas.

Recognition in the elective areas of the Bachelor's and Master's programs is usually straightforward if the following criteria are met:

  • The credits earned abroad are equivalent in content and requirements to those of the department's programs.
  • The credits earned abroad do not significantly overlap with the content of the mandatory courses in the computer science programs.
  • If final theses are written abroad, a professor from our department must supervise the work.

Recognition of mandatory courses is only possible if the credits earned abroad fully correspond to the mandatory course to be recognized. Visit our consultation hours (Tuesdays, 10:00 – 12:00, room S202/D115) to discuss this topic.

Recognition Process

Recognition must be completed for all courses after returning. After a content review, it will be determined how many CPs (credit points) can be recognized in the department's programs. Additionally, the grade will be converted.

To have your credits recognized, please fill out our Foreign Credit Recognition Form Auslandsanerkennung and send it along with your Transcript of Records to the international office .

Credits in the Application Subject of the Master’s Program Informatik, Minor Informatik and Combined Programs

Recognition of credits earned abroad in the application subject, minor, or a combined program is possible but must be examined on a case-by-case basis. Visit our consultation hours to discuss this topic.

Grade Conversion

If the grading system of the partner university is comparable, the grades will be converted to the grading system of TU Darmstadt. For non-comparable grading systems, the note “passed” will be recorded (see APB §17.4).

Recognition in a Second Degree Program

If you want to have already recognized credits recognized in another degree program, please contact the international office by email or in person. Please specify exactly which courses you want to be recognized in which degree program.