Examination Office

The Examination Office (Studienbüro) answers your questions concerning modules and courses, recognition of examinations and grades, examination regulations, and performance records.

Examination Office

Contact persons

Photo Name Working area(s) Contact
Sabine Haschka
BSc. Computer Science, BSc. CE, LaG Computer Science, BEd./MEd. Computer Science
+49 6151 16-25506
Alessandra Nesensohn
M.Sc., Diploma, Application Subjects
+49 6151 16-25507

Bachelor's and Master's consultation hour canceled

The zoom consultation hour for Master's students is canceled due to health reasons on February 04th and 5th 2025.

Consultation hours and availability

How? When?
Starting from 1 September: In person
in the Examination Office (Studienbüro),
Building S2|02 Room D117
9 – 12 o'clock
Via Zoom
see info box below on this web page
9 – 12 o'clock
Via phone
see contacts above
Monday to Thursday
preferred between 9 – 14 o'clock | Note: Availability may be limited during zoom and in-person consultation hours.

Zoom consultation for Bachelor students with Sabine Haschka

Enter the Zoom waiting room (Wednesdays only 10:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.)

The Zoom link will take you to the virtual waiting room during our office hours on Wednesdays. After entering the waiting room, you will be picked up for an individual conversation as soon as we are available. In the event of waiting times, we will inform you via the waiting room chat.

Zoom consultation for Master students with Alessandra Nesensohn

Enter the Zoom waiting room(Wednesdays only 10:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.)

The Zoom link will take you to the virtual waiting room during our office hours on Wednesdays. After entering the waiting room, you will be picked up for an individual conversation as soon as we are available. In the event of waiting times, we will inform you via the waiting room chat.