Picture: Daniela FleckensteinPicture: Daniela Fleckenstein
Secure messaging through distributed messages
TU researchers enable better protection for sending sensitive information
In today's digital landscape, ensuring the privacy of online communications is more critical than ever, especially in professions that rely on confidentiality, such as law or politics. Two research groups from the Profile Topic Cybersecurity and Privacy at TU Darmstadt have developed EMC² (Encrypted Multi-Channel Communication), a method that enhances the security of sensitive messages by distributing trust across several existing communication channels. The team's approach addresses the limitations of current encryption solutions, introduces a tool that makes secure communication more accessible, and shows the ineffectiveness of government-mandated backdoors.
Picture: Anne Grauenhorst, FB InformatikPicture: Anne Grauenhorst, FB Informatik
New substitute professor: Marc-André Kaufhold
Knowledge Engineering
Dr Marc-André Kaufhold has been a substitute professor for Knowledge Engineering at the Department of Computer Science since October. He completed his PhD in 2020 with summa cum laude at the research group Science and Technology for Peace and Security (PEASEC) at TU Darmstadt. His research focused on user expectations and design principles for social media and mobile applications in crisis situations. He has been a postdoctoral researcher at PEASEC since July 2020, and will start his habilitation in the Department of Computer Science in May 2023. He answered a few questions about his start.
Picture: SdecoretMockup - stock.adobe.com / Jahir Argote GeraldPicture: SdecoretMockup - stock.adobe.com / Jahir Argote Gerald
Robots find their way through crowds
TU Darmstadt and University of Sheffield present study at international conference
Robots can navigate efficiently through crowds of people by cleverly alternating between independent and cooperative behavior, and in such a way that they disturb the people around them as little as possible. This is the result of a study by TU Professor Roderich Groß.
Picture: improvee design - stocj.adobe.com (KI generiert)Picture: improvee design - stocj.adobe.com (KI generiert)
Ensuring the safety of gender registration
Cryptography enables data protection-compliant solution for official data synchronisation
A new study by the Technical University of Darmstadt in cooperation with the University of Kassel sheds light on data protection problems in data comparison between authorities, using the example of the Self-Determination Act. The researchers show that the private intersection calculation can serve as a data protection-compliant solution. In this way, the interests of both citizens and security authorities can be protected. This could be of particular importance with regard to the planned reform of the law on names.
Picture: Deutsche Bahn/ Volker EmerslebenPicture: Deutsche Bahn/ Volker Emersleben
AI expertise for innovative DataHub Europe project
Platform enables safe and data protection-compliant use of AI in business and science
The Technical University of Darmstadt and the Hessian Center for Artificial Intelligence hessian.AI are playing a key role in the development of DataHub Europe, a new platform for the secure use and provision of data for training AI models. This platform, which was presented by Schwarz Digits and Deutsche Bahn AG at the German government's 2024 “Digital-Gipfel”, helps companies to efficiently implement specific solutions using artificial intelligence (AI) in a manner that complies with data protection regulations.
Picture: Jannis BlümlPicture: Jannis Blüml
Mastering chess better with AlphaVile
PhD students Johannes Czech and Jannis Blüml are researching artificial intelligence (AI) and chess
Johannes Czech and Jannis Blüml work at the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Lab (AIML Lab) at TU Darmstadt. Together with Professor Kristian Kersting, head of the AIML Lab, and Hedinn Steingrimsson, a scientist specialising in AI reliability at Rice University in Houston, Texas, and Safe System 2, they published a research paper on artificial intelligence (AI) in the context of chess in August. This week they are presenting their paper at ECAI, one of the major European conferences for AI research, in Santiago de Compostela.
Picture: privatPicture: privat
TU professor Christian Bischof joins polar expedition
Interdisciplinary research
TU computer science professor Christian Bischof has taken part in a flight expedition to Greenland. One of the aims of the mission with the research aircraft ‘Polar6’ was to collect data for glacier simulations on the high-performance computer ‘Lichtenberg’ at TU Darmstadt.
Tireless commitment to human and technical networking
Interview with Prof Dr Dr h.c. Ralf Steinmetz before his retirement
After 28 years at the Technical University of Darmstadt, Professor Ralf Steinmetz is retiring. Until the end of the special research centre ‘MAKI – Multi-Mechanism Adaptation for the Future Internet’, he has agreed to take on all tasks as its spokesperson. In this interview, the head of the Multimedia Communication Lab at the etit Department and Member of courtesy at the Computer Science Department looks back on this time. He talks about challenges and his grand vision, provides insights into how the collaboration between different researchers and different technical communication systems has been successful – and reveals how research and teaching can continue to be successfully organised in the future.
New at the Department: IRG-Leader Dr. Shaoxiong Ji
AI and NLP for Mental Health
Dr Shaoxiong Ji has headed the new Independent Research Group (IRG) ‘AI and NLP for Mental Health’ since October. The group is funded as part of the LOEWE centre DYNAMIC and works closely with the UKP group. After completing his PhD at Aalto University, Ji worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Helsinki in the field of high-performance language technology. Learn more about Ji and his research in the following interview.
Research for a more sensible AI
An interview with Professor Kristian Kersting and Professor Markus Rohrbach, co-speakers of the RAI cluster project
The research initiative „Reasonable Artificial Intelligence’ (RAI) is one of three projects involving TU Darmstadt that are in the running for a Cluster of Excellence. Professor Kersting and Professor Rohrbach give an insight into their research – and explain who could benefit from it in the future. Part two of a three-part video series on TU Darmstadt's Cluster of Excellence applications.
Picture: Klaus Mai | TU DarmstadtPicture: Klaus Mai | TU Darmstadt
Members of the state parliament Schmitz and Franz visit TU Darmstadt
ENCRYPTO lab presents research
On Monday (16 September), members of the Hessian state parliament Lucas Schmitz (spokesman for science and the arts) and Peter Franz (member of parliament for the Darmstadt II constituency; both CDU) were guests at TU Darmstadt.
Picture: Joachim SchulzePicture: Joachim Schulze
Advertising column 4.0: from advertising to warning
LOEWE Center emergenCity develops important addition to existing warning system
As part of the warning day organised by the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK), the LOEWE centre ‘emergenCITY’ is looking into the question of how the population can be warned in the event of a prolonged power outage. The idea is to integrate the good old advertising column into the warning system.
Picture: GCPR-VMV ConferencePicture: GCPR-VMV Conference
Professor Justus Thies receives German Pattern Recognition Award
Award for outstanding contributions by young researchers in the fields of pattern recognition, machine vision and machine learning
TU Professor Justus Thies was awarded the German Pattern Recognition Prize at this year's GCPR-VMV conference in Munich.
Picture: Patrick BalPicture: Patrick Bal
The convincing digital doppelganger
ERC supports TU professor Justus Thies with Starting Grant
TU professor Justus Thies is receiving a Starting Grant totalling 1.5 million euros from the European Research Council (ERC) for his project ‘Learning Digital Humans in Motion’. The exciting research goal: to develop AI-based image processing and graphic tools to create lifelike digital representations of people for the immersive digital world.
Picture: Katrin BinnerPicture: Katrin Binner
Giving AI a robotic body
TU professor Georgia Chalvatzaki receives ERC Starting Grant for her project SIREN
The “SIREN” research project at TU Darmstadt has been awarded a Starting Grant by the European Research Council (ERC). Professor Georgia Chalvatzaki will receive around 1.5 million euros of funding for five years. The computer scientist is researching innovative AI robot software architectures, which enable human-like robots to perform challenging tasks in unstructured and dynamic environments.