AgriRegio-Projekttreffen bei PEASEC: Onboarding der „HofBox“
Zum 14.3.2023 lud PEASEC das Konsortium des Projekts Agriregio zum gemeinsamen Austausch in Darmstadt ein. Bei dem ersten Präsenztreffen aller Projektbeteiligten stellten sich die Teilnehmer bisherige Neuentwicklungen und Fortschritte gegenseitig vor. Das Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft fördert das Projekt, in dem ein innovatives Konzept für dezentrales und resilientes Edge Computing zur Praxisreife entwickelt und erprobt wird. Damit soll die digitalisierte Datenerfassung und -nutzung in landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben widerstandsfähiger gemacht und die sicherheitskritische Infrastruktur auf dem Sektor Ernährung geschützt werden.
Picture: Patrick BalPicture: Patrick Bal
Better interaction with artificial intelligence
Publication in “Nature Machine Intelligence”
A team of researchers from TU Darmstadt, hessian.AI and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence has presented a method that greatly simplifies the provision of human feedback to learning software. The work is published in the current issue of “Nature Machine Intelligence”.
Energy price flat rate for students
The one-time payment of 200 euros for students is expected to be available for application via the federal government's central application portal starting in mid-March.
Picture: Unite!Picture: Unite!
Share a day in your university life and win a trip to Lisbon!
The Unite! student video contest offers you the opportunity to share your cultural reality and win tickets to the Unite! Student Festival held this June in Lisbon. Deadlines go from 30 March to the 9th of April depending on the university.
The goal of this contest is to show the diversity and interculturality that define the Unite! student community. The short film (max. length 3 minutes) will be shown as an example of common and uncommon students’ life from Unite!’s nine partner universities. It should highlight the student’s personal life and habits, and make other universities’ students interested in the Unite! diversity.
Picture: NHR4CESPicture: NHR4CES
Freely accessible high-performance computing for researchers
NHR4CES starts campaign “High-Speed 4 Science”.
With the campaign “High-Speed 4 Science”, NHR4CES – National High Performance Computing for Computational Engineering Science – is currently drawing nationwide attention to its freely accessible service offerings in high-performance computing. At TU Darmstadt, too, posters, flyers and info screens with the slogan can be found in many places.
Picture: Pixabay/FrauOdiloPicture: Pixabay/FrauOdilo
Sharing electricity in a crisis situation?
Researchers of the LOEWE center emergenCITY investigate motivation for sharing
What about the willingness to share privately generated electricity during a prolonged power outage? Researchers from various departments at TU Darmstadt at the LOEWE center emergenCITY have investigated this. The recently published study yields surprising results.
Course Catalogue for the Sose 2023 is now available
The course catalogue for the summer semester 2023 is now available in TUCaN . The registration for modules and courses is also activated.
Bild: Klaus MetzBild: Klaus Metz
„Musik bedeutet für mich, mit anderen zu spielen“
Computerwissenschaftler der TU als Jazzmusiker ausgezeichnet
Als Forschungsgruppenleiter am Fachbereich Informatik der TU Darmstadt beschäftigt sich Dr. Ivan Habernal mit der maschinellen Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache. Doch das ist nur eine Seite seiner Karriere. Erfolgreich ist der Computerwissenschaftler auch auf einem ganz anderen Gebiet: Mit dem Ivan Habernal Orchestra ist er Frankfurts neuester Jazzstipendiat.
Picture: PrivatPicture: Privat
Research for trustworthy AI
Department receives two new LOEWE professorships
The Technical University of Darmstadt continues to expand its leading international position in artificial intelligence (AI) research: The Department of Computer Science receives no less than two new LOEWE professorships for multimodal learning. One LOEWE Top Professorship is awarded to Dr Marcus Rohrbach, who is at the same time taking up his Humboldt Professorship at TU Darmstadt, and one LOEWE Start Professorship to Dr Anna Rohrbach. Both LOEWE professorships are funded with funds from the LOEWE research programme of the State of Hesse totalling five million euros.
UN guide includes privacy tools developed in ENCRYPTO Group
Multi-Party Computation frameworks ABY and MOTION
The United Nation's Committee of Experts on Big Data and Data Science for Official Statistics has released its “Guide on Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs) for Official Statistics”. The guide includes two tools from the ENCRYPTO research group of Professor Thomas Schneider at TU Darmstadt.
New at the department: Prof. Dr. Dominik L. Michels
Intelligent Algorithms in Modeling and Simulation (IAMS) Group
Since January 1, Dominik L. Michels is professor for Intelligent Algorithms in Modeling and Simulation at the Department of Computer Science at TU Darmstadt. His research aims for the development of principled computational methods targeting simulation tasks in the fields of Visual and Scientific Computing. This is based on solid theoretical foundations resulting from fundamental research comprising Algorithmics, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Algebra, Machine Learning, Mathematical Modeling, and Numerical Analysis.
Dissertation Award for Dr. Manisha Luthra
GI/ITG special interest group KuVS honors postdoc for research in the field of distributed systems
Dr. Manisha Luthra, a post-doctoral researcher in professor Carsten Binnig's research group Data and AI Systems (Systems Group), has been awarded the KuVS Award for her 2021 doctoral dissertation. The award of the special interest group Communication and Distributed Systems (KuVS) is jointly presented by the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) and the Informationstechnische Gesellschaft im VDE e.V. (ITG).
Picture: Daniela FleckensteinPicture: Daniela Fleckenstein
New managing director at the department
Dr.-Ing- Doreen Böhnstedt
Dr.-Ing. Doreen Böhnstedt has been Managing Director of the Department of Computer Science since November 1, 2022. She holds a doctorate from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (etit) at TU Darmstadt and, among other things, led a research group in the field of distributed sensor networks at the “Multimedia Communication” department for several years. We asked Dr. Böhnstedt about her work:
Picture: privatPicture: privat
Expertise for interaction between humans and AI
Third Alexander von Humboldt Professorship for TU Darmstadt – Dr Marcus Rohrbach awarded
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation has once again granted TU Darmstadt a Humboldt Professorship, Germany’s most highly endowed research award. The winner Dr Marcus Rohrbach – an expert in multimodal learning who was nominated by TU now has the chance to conduct research as a Humboldt Professor of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the TU and at the Hessian Centre for Artificial Intelligence (hessian.AI). He reinforces a field of research in which the Technical University of Darmstadt plays a leading international role.
Data Protection for AI
Prof. Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi as expert advisor on distributed machine learning
Machine learning systems are increasingly being integrated in many processes of our society and economy. For example, machine learning algorithms take on important functions in driverless vehicles or digital healthcare. In these areas of application, AI systems must not only make reliable predictions, but also resist attacks and manipulation to ensure privacy of sometimes sensitive data as well as maintain trust in the technology.