Picture: Adin/Adobe StockPicture: Adin/Adobe Stock
Arms Control in Cyberspace
TU presents new system for reducing exploit stockpiles
A new paper from the research groups ENCRYPTO and PEASEC at TU Darmstadt proposes a privacy-preserving approach that allows state actors to compare exploit inventories without revealing national secrets. The method can provide a practical approach to cyber arms control and promote cyber security for civilians, as identified exploits that are known to multiple states can potentially be disclosed to be fixed. The paper has now been published in IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society and also received the CROSSING Collaboration Award 2022.
Picture: Natalie WockoPicture: Natalie Wocko
New Master's program in Computer Science
Start in winter semester 2023/24 / Online application possible until 15.7.
The M.Sc. in Computer Science is compatible with Anglo-Saxon degrees with the same name and is particularly well-suited for prospective international students. Students can choose their major to be either Data Science and Engineering, Distributed Computing or Visual Computing. Who is the Master's program aimed at? Dean of studies, Jan Peters on the special features of the program.
Picture: Claus VölkerPicture: Claus Völker
New Master's program in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Start in winter semester 2023/24 / Online application possible until 15.7.
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have started to become ubiquitous in their application to both daily life as well as many important societal tasks. The Department of Computer Science has expanded its course portfolio in AI and ML – previously integrated primarily in the computer science master's programme – to establish a new master's program in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AIM). What is special about the M.Sc. program at TU Darmstadt, what can students expect? Dean of Studies Jan Peters about the new program.
Picture: Katrin BinnerPicture: Katrin Binner
New Master's program in in Autonomous Systems and Robotics
Start in winter semester 2023/24 / Online application possible until 31.8.
Robots are supposed to make more tasks easier for humans in the future. But how can we get them to independently master new tasks and cooperate with us? With the new Master's program Autonomous Systems and Robotics with German as language of instruction, the Department of Computer Science combines modern computer science methods with knowledge from classical engineering education. Through close cooperation with other relevant departments at the TU, the program offers a particularly diverse range of courses. What exactly awaits the students and what job opportunities do the graduates have? Professor Jan Peters from the Department of Computer Science provides answers about the new degree program.
Dr. Benjamin Hilprecht has been awarded for the prestigious ACM Jim Gray Dissertation Award in 2023
Benjamin Hilprecht, an alumnus of the department, has been awarded an Honorable Mention for the prestigious ACM Jim Gray Dissertation Award in 2023. The award, which is presented annually at the SIGMOD conference, recognizes outstanding research work by doctoral students in the field of databases. The main criteria are novelty, depth, and significance of the research contribution, the potential impact on theory and practice, and the quality of the presentation. The SIGMOD conference is one of the most important and selective in the field of database management systems and data management technology.
Alumna Ghada Dessouky wins Ph.D. Award
Former doctoral student honored at EuroSys'23
Dr.-Ing. Ghada Dessouky, a former doctoral student at the System Security Lab of Professor Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, has won the Roger Needham PhD Award 2023. The award has been presented at EuroSys'23 in Rome, Italy.
Erneut Spitzenplätze im Hochschulranking der „WirtschaftsWoche“
Die TU Darmstadt ist beim aktuellen Hochschulranking der Zeitschrift „WirtschaftsWoche“ fünfmal in der Spitzengruppe vertreten. Im Vergleich zum Vorjahr sind die Platzierungen nahezu unverändert. Am besten schneidet die TU Darmstadt im Fach Wirtschaftsinformatik ab. Hier belegt sie nach der TU München den zweiten Platz. In den Fächern Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen und Elektrotechnik ist die TU Darmstadt unverändert jeweils auf Platz vier, im Maschinenbau weiterhin auf Platz sechs. Im Fach Informatik büßt die TU Darmstadt im Vergleich zum Vorjahr einen Platz ein und ist dort nun ebenfalls auf Platz sechs zu finden.
Bild: Team Hector/TU DarmstadtBild: Team Hector/TU Darmstadt
Die besten deutschen Rettungsroboter kommen aus Darmstadt
Team Hector gewinnt erneut RoboCup Rescue German Open
Das Rettungsrobotik-Team Hector vom Fachgebiet Simulation, Systemoptimierung und Robotik hat auch den diesjährigen RoboCup Rescue German Open Wettbewerb in Dortmund gewonnen.Trotz wachsender Konkurrenz und schwieriger Aufgaben sicherten sich die Wissenschaftler*innen außerdem die Auszeichnungen für „Best in Class Autonomy“ und „Best in Class Mobility“.
Picture: CHI 2023Picture: CHI 2023
Best Paper Award for Study on Smartphone Authentication
Ph.D. students awarded at the Flagship Conference ACM CHI 2023
With their publication on smartphone authentication, Leon Würsching, Florentin Putz and Steffen Haesler from TU Darmstadt won a Best Paper Award at the ACM CHI 2023 Conference. CHI is the top international conference for Human-Computer Interaction, which took place this year in Hamburg.
Prof. Dominik L. Michels appointed member of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Dominik L. Michels, Professor of Intelligent Algorithms in Modeling and Simulation at Darmstadt University of Technology, was recently elected as corresponding member to the Mathematical and Natural Sciences Class of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Lower Saxony (Niedersächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen).
Picture: Unite!Picture: Unite!
Two Unite! Blended Intensive Programs for students
Communications Engineering and Data Science and Design Thinking and Product Development
The Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programs at Bachelor's and Master's level provide students with in-depth knowledge of the focus areas “Communications Engineering and Data Science” and “Design Thinking and Product Development”, combining online learning at the home university with a study visit on campus at Aalto University. The application deadline is 15 May 2023.
Picture: Eileen BosselmannPicture: Eileen Bosselmann
Female Student Travel Award 2023
Applications invited until 21 May
Are you a female student in computer science, electrical engineering, or information technology making waves in your field of study? Apply for the Female Student Travel Award 2023 by 21 May and join us in celebrating the 10th generation of award winners during the Ruzena Bajcsy Lecture in June.
Picture: Staatskanzlei Hessen/ MinDPicture: Staatskanzlei Hessen/ MinD
“Hesse’s start-up ecosystem and middle class future-proof”
AI Innovation Lab of hessian.AI opened at GSI Helmholtzzentrum in Darmstadt
Hesse’s Minister for Digital Affairs, Professor Dr Kristina Sinemus, opened the AI Innovation Lab of the Hessian Centre for Artificial Intelligence (hessian.AI) at the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research in Darmstadt today (March 20). The project of the TU Darmstadt, which is funded with around 10 million euros, serves as a contact point for companies, start-ups, and science with the central aim of providing access to an AI supercomputer infrastructure. In the laboratory, AI systems and applications can be developed, trained, tested, and evaluated.
Picture: unite!Picture: unite!
Unite! Seed Fund Initiative
Financial boost for innovative ideas from the teachers, researchers and students across the Unite! alliance
The Unite! Seed Fund aims to achieve the maximum potential of Unite! It is envisioned to provide financial support to innovative, co-creative and collaborative ideas from teachers, researchers and students across the Unite! alliance. The Seed Fund intends to support exploration and development of attractive and diverse activities and projects, to help secure either the additional funds for a project or to carry out cooperation on joint, ambitious and innovative ideas within the alliance.
AgriRegio-Projekttreffen bei PEASEC: Onboarding der „HofBox“
Zum 14.3.2023 lud PEASEC das Konsortium des Projekts Agriregio zum gemeinsamen Austausch in Darmstadt ein. Bei dem ersten Präsenztreffen aller Projektbeteiligten stellten sich die Teilnehmer bisherige Neuentwicklungen und Fortschritte gegenseitig vor. Das Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft fördert das Projekt, in dem ein innovatives Konzept für dezentrales und resilientes Edge Computing zur Praxisreife entwickelt und erprobt wird. Damit soll die digitalisierte Datenerfassung und -nutzung in landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben widerstandsfähiger gemacht und die sicherheitskritische Infrastruktur auf dem Sektor Ernährung geschützt werden.