Picture: Klaus MaiPicture: Klaus Mai
New Emmy Noether Group researches explainable artificial intelligence for image and video analysis
Dr. Simone Schaub-Meyer aims to extend XAI to dense visual tasks
The German Research Foundation has accepted Dr. Simone Schaub-Meyer into its Emmy Noether Program. With her new junior research group, she wants to research and develop methods that increase the understanding of widely used artificial intelligence (AI) models in image and video analysis and improve their robustness. The funding for the first three years amounts to around 1.1 million euros and includes funds for two doctoral positions and 8 high-quality graphics processors.
Picture: Rüdiger DunkerPicture: Rüdiger Dunker
Professor Gurevych is a new member of the Leopoldina
One of the highest scientific honors
The Presidium of the Leopoldina has appointed TU Computer Science Professor Dr. Iryna Gurevych as a member of the National Academy of Sciences. The appointment is considered one of the highest scientific honors that can be achieved in Germany.
Dr. Simone Schaub-Meyer appointed independent research group leader
Research on “Image and Video Analysis”
Dr. Simone Schaub-Meyer was appointed head of the independent research group “Image and Videoanalysis” on 25 January. With the Independent Research Groups (IRG), the department enables young researchers to achieve early scientific independence.
Picture: Katrin BinnerPicture: Katrin Binner
Prestigious award for Prof. Carsten Binnig
Renowned VLDB Endowment elects the database expert to the Board of Trustees
Prof. Dr. Carsten Binnig, Head of the Department for Data and AI Systems (DAI), has been elected to the Board of Trustees of the US-based VLDB Endowment. He will serve in this honorary position for a six-year term beginning on January 1, 2024.
A word with: Visiting Professor Dmitry A. Zaitsev
Until February, our department hosted Prof. Dr. Dmitry A. Zaitsev, a Ukrainian computer scientist who also works at Odessa State Environmental University. Zaitsev has made significant theoretical contributions, particularly in the domains of Linear System Clans, Infinite Petri Nets, and Sleptsov Net Computing. He has researched and developed small Universal Sleptsov/Petri Nets and compositional analysis techniques for Petri Nets.
Picture: Patrick BalPicture: Patrick Bal
Successful next step in the Excellence Strategy
TU Darmstadt has the chance of establishing three Clusters of Excellence – two of them in the field of AI
Huge success for the Technical University of Darmstadt: In the prestigious Excellence Strategy from the German federal and state governments, TU Darmstadt has reached an important milestone. It has been selected and invited to prepare full applications for the outline proposals “Reasonable Artificial Intelligence” (RAI), “The Adaptive Mind” (TAM) and “CoM2Life” in fields of artificial intelligence, cognitive science and biomaterials and submit them for funding as part of the Cluster of Excellence funding line. The selections were made by an international panel of experts. A total of 143 outline proposals were submitted to the German Research Foundation (DFG), of which 41 have now been invited to submit full applications for the second round of the Excellence Strategy funding programme.
Picture: TU Darmstadt | Patrick BalPicture: TU Darmstadt | Patrick Bal
New at the Department: Prof. Roderich Groß
Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems
In January, Roderich Groß joined the Department of Computer Science as Professor of Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems. The 46-year-old scientist was previously Senior Lecturer in Robotics and Computational Intelligence at the University of Sheffield.
Picture: FB Informatik | AGPicture: FB Informatik | AG
Retrospect: Departmental winter colloquium 2023
Get information, exchange ideas, network
On 7 December, the Department of Computer Science held its first Winter Colloquium. As at the annual colloquium in June, the programme included a review of the year and an outlook by the Dean, Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Reuter, the brief introduction of four new professors and the awarding of feedback prizes by the Student Committee.
Picture: Stefan ElgesPicture: Stefan Elges
Computer Science lecture theatre C205 temporarily not available
Structural condition is being checked
Due to a structural inspection, a large lecture hall in the Department of Computer Science at the TU Darmstadt will not be available for courses and exams with immediate effect.
Picture: Katrin BinnerPicture: Katrin Binner
Tools for improved data privacy
TU Professor Thomas Schneider receives ERC Consolidator Grant
The European Research Council is funding Professor Thomas Schneider and his project PRIVTOOLS with around two million euros. The aim of the project is to develop tools for the automatic generation of software that protects personal data and functions.
Milestone: Department of Computer Science awards 1000th doctoral degree
On average 40 dissertations per year
On 21 November 2023, the Department of Computer Science at Technical University Darmstadt awarded its 1000th doctoral degree. This milestone 50 years after its foundation illustrates the remarkable development of the department over the years.
Picture: Klaus MaiPicture: Klaus Mai
German Pattern Recognition Award 2023 presented to Prof. Anna Rohrbach for Groundbreaking Contributions to AI Research
The prestigious German Pattern Recognition Award for 2023 was officially presented to Professor of Computer Science, Prof. Anna Rohrbach, during the GCPR conference in Heidelberg from 19 to 22 September 2023. This annual award, established by the DAGM (German Association for Pattern Recognition), recognises the outstanding contributions of young scientists in the fields of pattern recognition, computer vision and machine learning.
Picture: Patrick BalPicture: Patrick Bal
New at the Department: Professor Amir Moradi
Cybersecurity with a focus on implementation security
Amir Moradi is a new professor in the Department of Computer Science. His area of research is IT security, in particular implementation security. The 44-year-old scientist previously worked at the University of Cologne and the Ruhr University Bochum. On the occasion of his start at the TU, we asked Professor Moradi a few questions:
Picture: Klaus MaiPicture: Klaus Mai
Sustainable computing for top-level research
TU Darmstadt inaugurates Lichtenberg II high-performance computer
Today, the TU Darmstadt officially inaugurated the new Lichtenberg II high-performance computer. Equipped with the latest technology, it sets standards in performance and energy efficiency and thus offers the best conditions for excellent research. Lichtenberg II is also part of the Network for National High Performance Computing (NHR) and supports the nationwide provision of computing power for science in a particularly sustainable and resource-efficient way. The computer is named after the polymath Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742-1799).
Bild: Team Hector / TU DarmstadtBild: Team Hector / TU Darmstadt
Darmstädter Rettungsroboter international an der Spitze
Darmstädter Rettungsroboter gewinnen mit bester autonomer Strahlungskartierung eines Atomkraftwerks
Das Rettungsrobotik-Team Hector vom Fachgebiet Simulation, Systemoptimierung und Robotik der TU Darmstadt belegte bei dem internationalen Robotikwettbewerb EnRicH den ersten Platz in der Kategorie Strahlungskartierung und hat damit bei allen vier Durchführungen dieses zweijährlichen Wettbewerbs regelmäßig einen ersten Platz erzielt.