Name | Working area(s) | Contact | |
| Prof. Dr. Max Mühlhäuser | B2, D4 | max@tk.tu-... +49 6151 16-23200 S2|02 A114 |
Picture: Sonja Rode/
| Prof. Dr. Jörn Lamla | B.1, B3 | +49 561 804 2185 |
| Prof. Dr. Oliver Hinz | B.3, A.2 | +49 69 798 34675 |
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Hollick | B.3, C.1 | matthias.hollick@seemoo.tu-... +49 6151 16-25472 S4|14 4.2.09 |
Name | Working area(s) | Contact | |
| Prof. Dr. Marc Fischlin | D.2, D.3 | +49 6151 16-25730 S2|20 105 |
Qualification: together
Name | Working area(s) | Contact | |
| Prof. Dr. Stephanie Pieschl | C.3 (Phase II) | pieschl@psychologie.tu-... +49 6151 16-23991 S1|15 122 |
Qualification: single
Name | Working area(s) | Contact | |
| Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Reuter | B.4 (Phase II) | reuter@peasec.tu-... +49 6151 16-20941 |
Internationalization: out
Name | Working area(s) | Contact | |
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Schneider | A.1 | schneider@encrypto.cs.tu-... +49 6151 16-27300 S2|20 208 |
Internationalization: in
Name | Working area(s) | Contact | |
| Prof. Dr. Michael Waidner | C.2, D.2, D.3 | +49 6151 869 250 |
Visibility: academic
Name | Working area(s) | Contact | |
| Prof. Dr. Gerrit Hornung | C.2 | +49 561 804 7923 K33 2109 |
Visibility: public
Name | Working area(s) | Contact | |
| Prof. Dr. Peter Buxmann | A.3, B.2 | buxmann@is.tu-... +49 6151 16-24333 S1|02 242 |
Name | Working area(s) | Contact | |
| Prof. Dr Indra Spiecker genannt Döhmann | A.4 (starting with cohort 2) |
Name | Working area(s) | Contact | |
| Prof. Dr. Joachim Vogt | A.2, D.2, D.3, D.5 (Phase II) | vogt@psychologie.tu-... +49 6151 16-24081 S1|15 10 |
| Prof. Dr Indra Spiecker genannt Döhmann | A.4 (starting with cohort 2) | |
| Dr. Carsten Ochs | B.1, D.4 | carsten.ochs(at) +49 561 804 7540 |