Professorships and Group Leaderships

Our scientists are passionate about researching the foundations for the future. They shape the department through their diverse expertise in research topics that are constantly changing and evolving. Whether artificial intelligence, IT security or other socially relevant challenges – the researchers lead the way and thus enable sustainable solutions for our common future.

Professorships and Group Leaderships

Photo Name Research Areas
Prof. Dr. Carsten Binnig
Data and AI Systems (DAI)
Prof. Christian Bischof, Ph.D.
Scientific Computing (SC)
Prof.‘in Georgia Chalvatzaki, Ph.D.
Interactive Robot Perception and Learning (PEARL)
Prof. Sebastian Faust, Ph.D.
Applied Cryptography (CAC)
Prof. Dr. Dr. eh. Dieter Fellner
Interactive Graphics Systems Group (GRIS), director of the Fraunhofer-Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung (IGD)
Prof. Dr. Marc Fischlin
Cryptography and Complexity Theory (Cryptoplexity)
Prof. Dr. Roderich Groß
Resiliente Cyber-Physische Systeme (RCPS)
Prof.‘in Dr. Iryna Gurevych
Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing (UKP)
Prof. Dr. Reiner Hähnle
Software Engineering (SE)
Prof. Dr. Matthias Hollick
Secure Mobile Networking (SEEMOO)
Prof. Dr. Zsolt IstvánDistributed and Networked Systems (DAN)
Prof. Dr. Kristian Kersting
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AIML)
Prof. Dr. Andreas Koch
Embedded Systems and Applications (ESA)
Prof. Dr. Arjan Kuijper
Mathematical and Applied Visual Computing (MAVC)
Prof. Dr. Heiko Mantel
Modeling and Analysis of Information Systems (MAIS)
Prof.‘in Dr. Dr. h.c. Mira Mezini
Software Technology (ST)
Prof. Dr. Dominik L. Michels
Intelligent Algorithms in Modeling and Simulation (IAMS)
Prof. Dr. Amir Moradi
Implementation Security (ImpSec)
Prof. Dr. Max Mühlhäuser
Telecooperation (TK)
Prof. Jan Peters, Ph.D.
Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS)
Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Reuter
Science and Technology for Peace and Security (PEASEC)
Prof.‘in Dr. Anna Rohrbach
Multimodal Grounded Learning (MAI)
Prof. Dr. Marcus Rohrbach
Multimodal Reliable Artificial Intelligence (MAI)
Prof. Stefan Roth, Ph.D.
Visual Inference (VISINF)
Prof. Dr. Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi
System Security Lab (TRUST)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Schneider
Cryptography and Privacy Engineering (ENCRYPTO)
Prof. Dr. Oskar von Stryk
Simulation, Systems Optimization and Robotics (SIM)
Prof. Dr. Justus Thies
3D Graphics & Vision (GraVis)
Prof. Dr. Michael Waidner
Security in Information Technology (SIT), director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Informationtechnology (SIT), CEO of the National Research Center for Applied Cybersecurity ATHENE
Prof. Dr. Karsten Weihe
Prof. Dr. Felix Wolf
Parallel Programming (PARA)
Prof. Dr. Marco Zimmerling
Networked Embedded Systems (NES)
Assistant Professorship
Prof.‘in Dr. Mariami Gachechiladze
Quantum Computing (QC)
Prof. Dr. Jan Gugenheimer
Human Computer Interaction (MCI)
Prof. Dr. Florian Müller
Mobile Human-Computer Interaction
Substitute and Visiting Professorships
Dr. phil. Yufang Hou
Mohammad Emtiyaz Khan, Ph.D.
Continual Learning and Bayesian Reasoning
Professorship by courtesy
Prof. Dr. Peter Buxmann
Information Systems, (Dep. 1: Law and Economics)
Prof. Dr. Kay Hamacher
Computational Biology and Simulation (CBS), (Dept.10: Biology)
Prof. Dr. Constantin Rothkopf
Psychology of Information Processing, (Dep. 3: Human Sciences)
Prof. Dr. Björn Scheuermann
Communications networks, (Dept.18: Electrical Engineering and Information Technology)
Prof. Dr. Andy Schürr
Real-Time Systems (ES), (Dept.18: Electrical Engineering and Information Technology)
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ralf Steinmetz
Multimedia Communications, (Dept.18: Electrical Engineering and Information Technology)
Prof. Dr. Angela Yu
Computational Modelling of Intelligent Systems, (Dept. 3: Human Sciences)
Honorary Professors
Hon. Prof. Dr. Lutz Heuser
Urban Software Institute (USI)
Hon. Prof. Dr. Jörn Kohlhammer
Information Visualization and Visual Analytics
Hon. Prof. Dr. Georgios Sakas
Medical Computing
Hon. Prof. Dr. Martin Steinebach
Media Security and IT-Forensics
Hon. Prof. Dr. André Stork
Interactive Engineering Technologies
Leadership Independent Research Group (IRG)
Dr.-Ing. Dorothea Koert
Interactive AI algorithms & cognitive models for human-AI interaction (IKIDA)
Anirban Mukhopadhyay, Ph.D.
Medical & Environmental Computing (MEC)
Dr. Simone Schaub-Meyer
Image and Video Analysis
Private Lecturers
PD Dr. Richard Bubel
PD Dr. Elias Dahlhaus
PD Dr. Stefan Göbel
PD Dr. Gerhard Haßlinger
PD Dr. Christoph Rensing
PD Dr. habil. Andrea Tundis
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bibel
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Johannes Buchmann
Theoretical Computer Science - Cryptography and Computer Algebra
Prof. Alejandro P. Buchmann, Ph.D.Databases and Distributed Systems
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang EffelsbergDistributed Multimedia Systems
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Dr. E.h. Hon. Prof. mult. José Luis Encarnação
Interactive Graphics Systems
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang HenhaplPractical Computer Science / Software Engineering
Prof. Dr. Rolf HoffmannComputer Architecture
Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Hoffmann †
Programming Languages and Compilers
Prof. Dr. Sorin HussIntegrated Circuits and Systems
Prof. Dr. Peter KammererOperating Systems
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Lustig †Information Retrieval
Prof. Dr. Erich J. Neuhold
Integrated Publication and Information Systems
Prof. Dr. Robert Piloty †
Prof. Dr. Hans Tzschach †Rechnerverkehrstheorie
Prof. Dr. Helmut Waldschmidt †Systems Programming
Prof. Dr. Hermann Walter †Automata Theory and Formal Languages
Walther, Christoph
Prof. Dr. Christoph WaltherProgramming Methodology